Gene Keys

The Gene Keys are a recently emerged synthesis of the highest and deepest wisdom teachings of humanity.
They map the journey of Self Illumination or how to embrace the higher purpose hidden in our DNA

Each precious human existence is a fractal player of Humanity's awakening to the interconnectedness and sacredness of Life. 
This is arising and manifesting through scores of sweet people all over the world.

The Gene Keys are gathering a fast growing number of open-hearted souls from multiple origins who are committed to the betterment of Humanity and the highest values of the human heart.
Every human being  is a unique expression of Life and a potential outpouring of Grace, Universal Love and Wisdom.
We are, along with so many other people in the world today, helping to birth a new, beautifully diverse and unified Humanity on Gaia, for the happiness of all the Beings.

Composing Frequency 

If your heart sings for the promise of Heaven on Earth, then join our global family in sovereign witnessing, playing and composing the most transcendant and inclusive frequencies of Freedom, Compassion, Creativity and Courage!


The Gene Keys tell the stories of the 64 codons of our genetic code as they express the whole spectrum of archetypal consciousness patterns on the pathways of Liberation, from Fear to Love or from the Shadow through the Gift to the Sidhi.

Each Gene Key is represented by a hexagram whose earlier expression came through more than 5 thousand years ago in the ancient Chinese classic, the I Ching.

There are as many ways to explore this field of wisdom as there are journeyers along the path. It is not a method but a map that points inwards, inviting contemplation in service of one's integration and liberation.

"A single insight from your own heart is worth more than the wisdom of all the sages since the  beginning of time." - Richard Rudd 


The Activation Sequence of the Golden Path is suggested as the primary pathway for understanding and transcending one's ordinary patterns of feeling, motivation and behavior, to lift and ground them into greater coherence and alignment.
You can download your free Hologenetic Profile, buy the book and take it from there.



I can support you through personal consultation sessions to help get you started as well as in-depth coaching in any other areas you feel you need help with. 
I will soon be offering group work locally in the Sacred Valley and also online through zoom meetings.

Contact me : or whatsapp +51 928 101 192

Gene Keys Community 

Many friends from the Gene Keys family also offer support in beautiful and profound ways, here are just a few of them:

💜 Discover Alaya DeNoyelles' extraordinary synthesis of acupuncture with the I Ching and the Gene Keys. Visit her site for more information :

Acupresence : A Vibrational Healing Art

💙 Rosy Aronson, PhD has created a beautiful card deck called "The Wisdom Keepers", a journey through the archetypal faces of  the 64 Gene Keys' Gifts. 
Visit her site for those and other beautiful offerings:

💚 The friends from OneDoorLand have wondeful offerings of all kinds. 
Visit their site and to discover them and feel their rich vibes :